As predicted, my last tweet already irritated people. My point was that as per usual during a disaster everyone & their house elf is bandying on about how everyone should pray for those affected. Fine. You want to sit around & think positive thoughts, I don't care. Go to down & pray for everyone. I don't care what goes on in your head. I tried doing that with Harry once, didn't work out well, now I stay out of people's minds. Anyway, think whatever you want to think but it is laziness plain & simple when people say "praying for this" or "thinking about this" and then don't actually DO anything. What did you accomplish then? You sat around & felt sorry. Congratufuckinglations for your emotion, that's not helping any of the people you allegedly feel bad for. In fact, it's just turning their suffering back on you. Pretty sure if your life was just destroyed by a disaster it's not "the thought that counts" it's actually having someone help you. Trust me, I know ego and I know disaster. I cause enough of them to know that people are lazy, say that they want to help, that they feel bad, but if they really WANTED to help they'd get off their asses & actually do something. It's like when Lockhart said he wanted to help catch Slytherin's heir. He didn't want to help. That would require effort and actual actions. He just wanted to get the sympathy & positive reactions that come from SAYING that he wanted to help. If you haven't read the Harry Potter books and have no idea what I'm referring to: 1. Go do something useful, lazy. 2. Go read the books, lazy. Why are you following me if you haven't read them?

Anyway, I digress. If you want to help DO something. There is a whole trending topic about how to give to the Red Cross. Come up with something else useful to do. I'm busy hunting a scrawny git in glasses, I can't be bothered to list out ways for you to help. However, I do know that if your entire life is destroyed by a disaster you're not sitting around wanting people's positive thoughts, you want their money, aid & food to help you. Think about it this way, I was an orphan, every child you help has less of a chance of turning into a malevolent evil wizard. I don't need the competition. Thinking is something idiots can do. Well, allegedly, I'm not use Crabbe or Goyle actually can think for themselves. ACTIONS are what are helpful.

My point is don't just say you're thinking about something or that you "feel bad" get off your ass & actually do something. Death Eaters cause mayhem because they do something. If you're all "team good" "help people" "yay humanity" shouldn't you do the same?

If you just read this whole think you clearly have way too much free time as it is. Get off your ass & do something then feel free to come back to stalking me on twitter, creeper.

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