Sica's message to Taeyeon and Seohyun:

Taeyeon, you always say you have a headache and it worries me that you may have migraines. I don't know if it's from stress, or else, but eat healthy food and get healthy. Because I don't know the pain that you're feeling, so health is the best. I hope you're healthy. Bye

Seohyun~its me sis~ Ju Hyun~Seo Hyun~
I wish you'd eat some yummy food, cuz I believe that eating only the organic, and healthy food is not really that healthy. Eat some chicken from time to time with the sisters, eat hamburger, and pizza. You advertise pizza for goodness sake. You have to eat pizza. And sufficient amount of cheese and calories aren't that bad for your life. Don't count calories and be friends with the older sisters. Having your own time may be better for your self-improvement, but in a way its better to be a friendly person than the geek who studies by oneself like at school. So start playing with the sisters. I love you~~

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