#jan25 ... @nadinetoukan @LaraABCNews @Ghonim His charges are extremely serious, trumped up and bogus. His file is, now, in the hands of a Blood Dracula; the new 1st Ast.Minister of Interior and Director of the infamous State Security Services.

His case had initially been handled by joint task force from General Intelligence and State Security. He was accused of receiving assistance from foreign entities to undermine the stability of, and overturn the government, engaging in saboteurs activity against the dignity of the state, and promulgating stigmatizing disinformation in an online smear campaigns for the benefit of foreign agencies.

He is, now, in the New State Security Complex in the 7th District, Madinet Nassr, North East Of Cairo.

Nobody, even former senior 1st Ast. Minister of Interior, was able to talk to him, but his file has been seen, and was described as grave.

Only intense International pressure and extensive media exposure can turn his case to his favor.

Of course the oust of the putrid mummy still squatting in the presidential palace would also resolve his case immediately.

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