
芙少 · @quinttee

1st Feb 2011 from Twitlonger

[TRANS] AVEX CEO Mr.Matsuura( @masatomatsuura )replied to questions from TVXQ fans on 28th Jan.

it’s the fact that I can’t contact them personally. RT @saran_jj: @masatomatsuura can’t you really contact them? u should be able to do it if only u had intent to, cus even Ayu(=Hamasaki Ayumi) or Mr.Urata have been in contact with them. how can u have left situation unimproved without taking any steps since announcement of their act suspension? u r too heartless, aren’t u?
個人的に連絡とれないのは事実。RT @saran_jj: @masatomatsuura 本当に連絡とれないんですか?あゆや浦田さんが連絡とってるんだから、やろうと思えばできるはず。活動休止発表してから改善測ろうとしないのはどうなんですか?あまりに冷たいのでは?
posted on 28th Jan

honestly, I have no idea about it for now. RT @michunmn: @masatomatsuura good morning,sir..do u suppose u can live to see the day when five of them have come back??
今は、わからないのが正直なとこです。RT @michunmn: @masatomatsuura おはようございます。。松浦さんは5人に戻れる日がくると思ってますか??
posted on 28th Jan

yes, I am. RT @yuchun_aesun: @masatomatsuura Korean show biz seems as if wrapped in mystery, tho..is it their standard to abandon and never forgive ones who once rebelled against them? r u the person who may forgive the others?
許します。RT @yuchun_aesun: @masatomatsuura なんだか韓国芸能はよくわからないですが、反抗したものは消す、許せないって感覚なのでしょうか?社長は人を許せる人ですか?
posted on 28th Jan

agree (laughter) RT @J_kumi_J: @masatomatsuura u and Jae r alike in the point that u can’t help telling true things even if u know it would lead to u being bashed. we fans and u r sharing feeling of frustration caused by being unable to do anything, aren’t we?
わかる(笑)RT @J_kumi_J: @masatomatsuura バッシングされる事がわかっていても、嘘はつけない社長とジェジュン似ていますね。何も出来ない悔しさは、ファンも社長も一緒ですよね。
posted on 28th Jan

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