[TRANS] [INFO JYJ LAWSUIT] 18 Jan was originally supposed to be the date for pleading. On 12 Jan, SM brought forward a petition to delay the date for pleading. On 14 Jan, JYJ submitted their preparatory documents ( SM's petition to delay the pleading was disapproved and they were supposed to go ahead with the original planned date). On 17 Jan, the Court decided to hold the pleadings on the 18th as originally planned. The person in charge of finance at SM appealed as an eye witness. On 18 Jan, this same person did not make an appearance at the pleadings. This became the reason why the date for pleading was pushed to March. The eyewitness who did not appear in court is not from JYJ's side but was an eyewitness brought forward by SM. But because the person who proposed himself as an eyewitness did not turn up, the reason why the judge keeps delaying the date is cos regardless of whether he is from JYJ or SM's side, it will not make a difference to this decision. For JYJ's side, because the judgement keeps getting delayed, after hearing this decision which will be a blow to their entertainment activities, they are appealing to the judgement group to first release a part of their decision (not the final decision with regards to the case, but what they have decided on so far). This is an upload of what happened during this incident. http://twitpic.com/3r3wp6 RT @DCtvxq_gall
#JYJwin.오늘 변론에 대한 정확한 정보가 들어왔으므로, 정정합니다. 1월 18일이 본래 변론기일 예정일이었습니다. 1월 12일: SM측이 변론기일 연기신청서 제출(말 그대로 변론기일을 연기하려는 신청) 1월 14일: JYJ측은 변론 준비서면 제출(SM측의 연기신청에 동의하지 않고 예정대로 변론을 진행하라는 뜻) 1월 17일: 법원측이 예정대로 18일에 변론 진행함을 결정. SM측이 SM의 재무담당자를 증인으로 신청. 1월 18일: SM측의 재무담당자가 변론에 출석하지 않음. 이것이 원인이 되어 3월로 변론이 연기됨. 즉 - 출석하지 않은 SM측의 증인(재무담당자)는 JYJ측이 아닌 sm측이 신청한 증인입니다. - 하지만 스스로 신청한 증인을 불출석시켰다는 사실을 보면, 재판이 자꾸 미뤄지고 있는 원인이 JYJ측에 있는지 sm측에 있는지에 대한 판단이 달라지지는 않겠지요. - JYJ측은 판결이 자꾸 늦어지는 것이 연예 활동에 치명적임을 들어 재판부에 중간판결/일부판결이라도 먼저 내줄 것을 요청하고 있습니다. 사건진행서류도 증거로 올립니다. http://twitpic.com/3r3wp6 혼란을 드려서 죄송합니다.

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