#Flanclan fund this report over JoeFlaniganonline THX kslmoran.For the ones who couldn't watch it yesterday eveneing"Well, just finished watching COP with Joe Flanigan. As always Joe was flantastic!! but way too underused. Brooke White was pretty good since she'd never acted before and of course I love her voice. She is a very talented singer.

I enjoyed the movie but thought that they tried to cram too much in in too short a time. The result was that hardly any scenes were longer than about 60 seconds so the movie felt jumpy/choppy. They tried to show the passage of time with all this jumping around but none of it seemed to have any depth.

They didn't spend enough time introducing Sally and Jason and their relationship before they threw in the kids. The introduction of these two main characters wasn't much longer than what we saw in the trailer. And when they tried to show us the bonding moments between the parents and kids, again not enough time spent so you really didn't FEEL it enough.

The two older children had great acting skills even though the older girl was a bit of a bitch for a while (but the actress had that part nailed).

I liked the storyline but hope that if it's made into a show (and for JF's sake I hope so) they will spend more time in character development and deep interactions. The times that we saw Jason and Sally relaxed and talking (or upset and talking) could have been so much more dramatic and in depth.

I know it's tough when you're stretched for time and need to put so much information into a small time frame. Not sure how it could have been done better, though.

And I had to chuckle when I saw them eating Great Value cereal since that is the WalMart brand name.

So, what did everyone else think? I do hope this is made into a show since I would love to see Joe Flanigan weekly again and I think he and Brooke White had good chemistry together. I'm already thinking up little plot bunnies. Oh, don't look at me like that! I know the rest of you are too!"

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