[NEWS|TRANS] Kim Junsu was asked "Why did you write that kind of tweet?"

Park YooChun: “I am also curious why he wrote that? Why did he do that?”
Kim Junsu: “This year I will show a better image of myself.”

Kim Junsu expressed his feelings through twitter, using his words sparingly, showing caution.

On the 6th, at some place in Seoul, they intended to give New Year Greetings to the reporters due to their soon to be released Music Essay album. Today, Kim Junsu, Park Yoochun, Kim JaeJoong with bright expressions said, “Happy New Year and Take care of us this year”.

But Kim Junsu did not give any reply to the question, “Why did you write those kind of things on Twitter?” which was asked by a reporter. And in response to the reporter which asked Junsu “What kind of feelings did you have when you were writing those tweets?”, Park YooChun who was beside Junsu also added in, asking Junsu, “I am also curious why you wrote that? Why did you do that?” Kim Junsu mustered a smile and with a stiff expression said, “I should go now”, and left his seat.

These are words, said after the greetings, with regards to the separate activities that the 3 members of JYJ and 2 members of DBSK are carrying out now. Kim Junsu said, “Last year, many bad things happened and it seems that there were also trials and errors. But this year, I will show a better image of myself.”
Kim JaeJoong said, “We should have kindled good disputes, I am sorry that we caused many bad disputes.”

Translated by christabel88@twitter / christabel88@DBSKnights

Source: http://news.chosun.com/site/data/html_dir/2011/01/06/2011010601918.html

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