REVISED2: 2010 December Convergence & 2011 January Eclipse Barometer
:: Full Moon 21-Dec-2010 at 08:13 UTC
:: Total Lunar Eclipse 21-Dec-2010 at 8:16:57 UT (Greatest Eclipse)

Swiss Ephemeris Test Output - Astrodienst:

/ulb/swetest -b21.12.2010 -n1 -s1 -ftPZsD -p01 -eswe -ut08:13:270945
date (dmy) 21.12.2010 greg. 8:13:27 UT
UT: 2455551.842675 delta t: 66.588275 sec
ET: 2455551.843445
Epsilon (true) 23°26'16.1402
Nutation 0° 0'17.0842 -0° 0' 0.1276
101221 Sun 29 sa 20'45.9582 1.0179202 -23°26' 9.8794
101221 Moon 29 ge 20'45.9582 13.7210548 23°44'58.2990

Sag 30° A picture of regal and sacerdotal pomp and glory reveals itself; the Pope is holding audience in his palace.
Gem 30° A typically American conceit is seen; a parade of bathing beauties before the judges and crowd at a seaside resort.

MOON {29GE21} 180°0'0" from SUN {29SG21} @ EON-19 (Phase Arc 180° ~ Opposition) Repolarization, Universal Sphere, Line of Awareness, Tensile Power § KEYNOTE: The efflorescence of qualities developed throughout the waxing hemicycle and their repolarization to a new level featuring the rise of intentional, shared, and purposeful activity § DYNAMIC: the universal context and ones place and purpose within it.

Total Lunar Eclipse of December 21
The last lunar eclipse of 2010 is especially well placed for observers throughout North America. The eclipse occurs at the Moon's descending node in eastern Taurus, four days before perigee. At the instant of greatest eclipse (08:17 UT) the Moon lies near the zenith for observers in southern California and Baja Mexico.

:: Winter Solstice [Sun Enters Capricorn] 21-Dec-2010 at 23:38 UTC

Swiss Ephemeris Test Output - Astrodienst:

/ulb/swetest -b21.12.2010 -n1 -s1 -ftPZsD -p01 -eswe -ut23:38:269964
date (dmy) 21.12.2010 greg. 23:38:26 UT
UT: 2455552.485035 delta t: 66.588966 sec
ET: 2455552.485805
Epsilon (true) 23°26'16.1438
Nutation 0° 0'17.1938 -0° 0' 0.1232
101221 Sun 0 cp 0' 0.0000 1.0180115 -23°26'15.7998
101221 Moon 8 cn 12'54.7040 13.8893779 22°40'41.0200

Cap 01° An Indian chief is standing before the assembled pow-wow of tribes and demands recognition, coldly and regally.
Can 09° A little miss, innocently devoid of any suggestion of clothing, leans over to catch a goldfish in a sparkling pond.

MOON {08CN13} 188°12'55" from SUN {00CP00} @ EON-19 (Phase Arc 180° ~ Opposition) Repolarization, Universal Sphere, Line of Awareness, Tensile Power § KEYNOTE: The efflorescence of qualities developed throughout the waxing hemicycle and their repolarization to a new level featuring the rise of intentional, shared, and purposeful activity § DYNAMIC: the universal context and ones place and purpose within it.

:: Partial Solar Eclipse 04-Jan-2011 at 08:51:42 UT (Greatest Eclipse)
:: New Moon 04-Jan-2011 at 09:02:363587 UTC

Swiss Ephemeris Test Output - Astrodienst:

/ulb/swetest -b04.01.2011 -n1 -s1 -ftPZsD -p01 -eswe -ut09:02:363587
date (dmy) 4.1.2011 greg. 9:02:36 UT
UT: 2455565.876810 delta t: 66.603246 sec
ET: 2455565.877581
Epsilon (true) 23°26'16.0798
Nutation 0° 0'17.9796 -0° 0' 0.1700
110104 Sun 13 cp 38'46.0483 1.0196601 -22°44'18.0066
110104 Moon 13 cp 38'46.0483 12.7734026 -21°44'47.9925

Cap 14° A vast pile of Mayan ruins in tropical America discloses a perfectly preserved bas-relief carved in the granite.

MOON {13CP39} 0°0'0" from SUN {13CP39} @ EON-1 (Phase Arc 00° ~ Conjunction) Unrealized Potential, Karios, Morphic Fields, Archetype § KEYNOTE: The genius of the eon infuses a seed-Quality with a quantum of creative potentiality, setting a new cycle of actualization into motion § DYNAMIC: power to be.

Partial Solar Eclipse of January 04
The first solar eclipse of 2011 occurs at the Moon's ascending node in eastern Sagittarius. A partial eclipse will be visible from much of Europe, North Africa and central Asia. The penumbral shadow first touches Earth's surface in northern Algeria at 06:40:11 UT. As the shadow travels east, Western Europe will be treated to a partial eclipse at sunrise. The eclipse magnitude [1] from European cities like Madrid (0.576), Paris (0.732), London (0.747), and Copenhagen (0.826) will give early morning risers an excellent opportunity to photograph the sunrise eclipse with interesting foreground scenery.

Greatest eclipse [2] occurs at 08:50:35 UT in northern Sweden where the eclipse in the horizon will have a magnitude of 0.858. At that time, the axis of the Moon's shadow will pass a mere 510 km above Earth's surface. Most of northern Africa, the Middle East and Central Asia also lie in the penumbra's path. The citizens of Cairo (0.551), Jerusalem (0.574), Istanbul (0.713), and Tehran (0.507) all witness a large magnitude partial eclipse. A sunset eclipse will be visible from central Russia, Kazakhstan, Mongolia and northwest China. The partial eclipse ends when the penumbra leaves Earth at 11:00:54 UT.

Partial Solar Eclipse of 2011 Jan 04 [pdf]
Global Map
TD of Greatest Eclipse 08:51:42 (Animation)
Solar eclipse of January 4, 2011,_2011

2011 Phases of the Moon

California Constitution/ARTICLE V: EXECUTIVE
The Governor shall be elected every fourth year at the same time and places as members of the Assembly and hold office from the Monday after January 1 following the election until a successor qualifies.

112th United States Congress
January 3, 2011 to January 3, 2013

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