Cassiopeia Ornata - Upside-down Jellyfish

Wow ... I just found that DBSK fans is not only children, adolescents, and adults but also.. Umm.. Jellyfish! ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Well, they are not officially become a fan of DBSK, it's just that I was very surprised to find a jellyfish named Cassiopeia. :D

I was browsing the Internet and found an article titled Kakaban Lake, Lake Prehistoric Aged 21 Thousand Years. The article was about a lake that is located in the middle of the sea. Kakaban Lake was in the midst of a small island called Kakaban Island in the middle of the Sea. Kakaban Lake is located in East Kalimantan, Indonesia.
Kakaban Lake created by the trapped sea water, since 19 thousand years BC. So it’s age is 21 thousand years now. So this is a prehistoric lake.

The lake Area is about 700 acres, with 50 meters cliffs-wall around the lake, which caused trapped sea water could not get out, so later this become lake. Because of the changes and evolution of a fairly long time, this lake water became tasteless like fresh water.

Marine organisms also have evoluted as they locked in the lake, so they physical naturally is different from similar species in the sea. In this lake there are types of unique jellyfish are: a) Aurelia aurita (jellyfish That have cleared the withdrawal plate glass), b) Tripedalia cystophora (jellyfish That look pretty much the tip of the index finger), c) Martigias papua ( That jellyfish blue bulb incandescent light brown), and one species of jellyfish is a trade mark of Kakaban Lake named Cassiopeia Ornate (That jellyfish swimming upside down).

Cassiopeia Ornata diameter is about 10-12cm. Cassiopeia Ornata unique habit is swimming upside down, by exposing "leg" or tentacles to the top. The uniqueness is due to the limited food that requires it to adapt and doing simbosis mutualism with algae. Algae is a producer of food and have to cook food with the help of sunlight. This Kakaban’s Jellyfish, putting algae on the legs, because the algae are need to get the sunlight as for doing fotosistesa, the jellyfish eventually went upside down, with legs up and head down.
This unique motion that attracted the scientists and divers to determine the evolution of marine fauna are behaving strangely in order to maintain their lives. But don’t worry to diving here and don’t be afraid because all of jellyfish here doesn’t have a stings.
In addition to the jellyfish, the lake is also inhabited by four species of fish: cardinalfishes (Apogon lateralis), puntang (Exyrias puntang), teri coral (Antherinomorus endrachtensis), first fish (Zenarchopterus dispar). And there are very many types of animals that have not been identified in this region.

In the world, a place like this only found on the island located in the Micronesian islands in the southeastern Pacific ocean. Therefore, Kakaban Island is the only island in Indonesia which has a lake in the middle. No doubt if this is the paradise island's of biological resources. The proof, various flora and fauna around the Kakaban Lake for so many years attracts the scientists to uncover the mystery.
The another beautifull in this places are all of animals-animals that this lake can emit light colors during the dark days. Itulah sebabnya tempat yang dijuluki Sparkling Lights in Central Lake, dinominasikan sebagai a World Heritage Area.

Cassiopeia Ornata Pict <

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