
Kevin Chao · @KevinChao89

22nd Nov 2010 from Twitlonger

iOS4.2.1, VoiceOver new items, changes and bugs.
* These are various things, which I noticed, not an official list from Apple, anyone or anywhere, but@KevinChao89 on Twitter or gMail.
* I tried to be as thorough and detailed as possible with iOS4.2.1, but may have missed items.
* This covers items, which specifically involved VoiceOver in some form. There are many blogs, podcast etc, which discuss iOS4.2 on a general level.
* I am more than glad to provide clarification, provide examples, test for specific points etc. Please just ask. And, I have clarified some of previous points by adding examples, details and anything else that would help clarify.

* VoiceOver Settings: Include Speech Rate in rotor
* Rotor: Speech rate.
* Sliding ring/silent switch, VoiceOver says "muting" and "unmuting". Must resume read all.
* Settings>Sound, do not use volume button. Can press up/down and increase system/VO volume without it speaking. Ring/Alert and sys/VO volume are different
* sound when moving to/from and in/out text edit page/fields
* "progress haulted" message, which affect displaying of content, loading and various--built-in or third-party.
* Safari text search can be accessed, but limited, not usable or smooth. Auto-reads search instance in format of, three words before specific keyword, specific keyword, and word that follows" along bottom, back, search index (current/total), and done.

* "loading" message in various apps is now "in progress"
* overall, VoiceOver is more responsive.
* speech rate increments/decrements by 5%
* keyboard echo for soft (virtual) and hard (bluetooth)
* same page links now reported as, "in page link" iOS4.1 reported as "internal link"
* Move to row 2 of a table, column labels are announced followed by content, eg, "label, content"
* in rotor, can navigate by row.

* US VoiceOver TTS set to 100%, for most part, no longer cuts off letters reading, reviewing or typing.
* Keyboard more responsive, not as much pressure required and characters entered much more quickly--increasing typing speed by a significant amount.
* Settings>Sounds>Ringtones: three-finger scroll will not exit.
* Contacts>Birthday: add/edit works.
* double tap on edit field, beginning/end in edit fields feedback.
* app where, contains text query/search, full/partial search, can access list and select
* review apps, rating (0-5 stars), VoiceOver reads ratings.
* iPhone 4 proximity sensor is not as trigger happy.
* text message search. can now access results.

* Push alert auto-reads time, not content. (old)
* Sending text message, message is read after selecting "send" button. (old)
* US TTS set to 100% will partially cut off X and H, partial words, but still understandable and can tell what letters they are. (partial)
* UK or Australian VoiceOver at 70-100% has speech cut off with a variety of characters,unusable. (old)
* With hints off, opening/closing folder gives message and tone, should give tone only. (old)
* screen back light is on, even with screen curtain or brightness set to 0%. (old)
* screen curtain state not preserved after restarting VoiceOver, hard reset, restore or restart. (old)
* harder to move apps from page to page (virtual line is thinner and/or less sensative). (new)
* read all, slide to mute, VO will speak muting and read all stops
* reviewing text message, subject, message, and keyboard disappears (in two other third-party apps). (new/intermittent)
* Safari text find/search: Very unnatural, unintuitive and complicated swipes and taps to get to search/find text, Can't search previous, exact keyword only, VO doesn't auto highlight result, match not in logical spot.
* On an active call, receive second call, buttons are: ignore, answer+answer, and answer+answer. (new)
* reply to email, add sender, can't place VO focus in message body. (old)
* With ring/silent switch set to ring, play a video/audio in safari, will hear progress ticks. Slide to silent, ticks are gone. (new)

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