LISTEN UP MJ FANS: Another attack on MJ, his name, & LEGACY. Time to once again gear up and address, not attack but professional address the issue. (Thanks to Lauren for bringing to my attention)

"Bill Handel is a radio host on KFI640 AM, you might know of him. Briefly, he discussed MJ on Monday as the richest 'dead' celebrity, called him crazy and criticized his 'junk' that he bought with his money. Yesterday, in a discussion about
MJ owning the Beatles catalogue, his comment was something to
the affect that all Michael Jackson can do now is rot. This morning
he responding to a letter of protest by calling MJ a pervert twice,
disgusting, amazed that anyone would care or defend him...on and
on...very ugly. I have e-mailed and so has another person I know
in this area. Handel also referenced the 'pay off' of 93 and
said, "He's dead, he can't sue me." Handel is an attorney,
popular, opinionated, etc."

So lets UNITE again and clear Michael's NAME once again. Please make sure when tweeting or contacting you handle this as Michael would want us to. Thanks, much LOVE.

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