WOW...I have to keep this short & don't know where to begin. First off, thank you to everyone for the positive vibes & well wishes for me & my family. Secondly, my unexplained heart failure is baffling doctors as well as myself. My recovery from this has gone smoothly &I'm impressing all of my doctors with my speedy recovery. However, during one of my open heart surgeries, complications arose in my left arm due to blood clots & swelling. This now is causing a longer rehabilitation & is the only thing keeping me in the hospital. Nothing to worry about, this just means I'm undergoing intense physical therapy so I can get home to my family. Tracy Riepl, my loving wife, I cannot wait to be home with you & our boys. I love you so much, you mean the world to me. Everything you've done for me makes me feel like my heart never really broke. Another update with more details at a later date... \m/

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