From today TMZ Live Q & A Harvey Levin comments on the album #MICHAEL

Q = Do you think MJ's songs are real?

Harvey = Do I think they are real? Yes. So here's the thing. I know somebody who has listened to the entire album. they say this album is unbelievably good. Like unbelievably good. Dare I say that this could be in Thriller territory.

TMZ staff member = wow

Harvey = Yeah because think about it, it's not a limitless commodity anymore. Michael Jackson is dead, so there's only gonna be so many songs. and people have an appetite for it right now. and this album is apparently is awesome. not just good but like really really good.

TMZ staff member = you mean sales will approach thriller?

Harvey= that's what I'm saying.

TMZ staff member = you don't mean the quality of the album.

Harvey = well all I know is I talked to someone who said it's unbelievably good. I don't know about the quality, thriller is so unbelievable but I'm talking about sales. I'm just saying that I think that this thing is going to sell off the charts. And I hear it's just great. Great. And it's not like retried(?) Michael Jackson, it's really interesting great stuff I heard.

--- Another comment from today TMZ Live Q & A Harvey Levin comments on the vocals

Q = With all the hoopla about the validity of the upcoming MJ album, I was curious if there will be any legal ramifications for Sony if it's found out that a) MJ wasn't actually the singer or b) if they found out that Sony enhanced some parts?

Harvey = It's him. Look guys it's him. He was in this house for 4 months recording these songs. It's him. This is JFK conspiracy theory stuff but it's absolutely Michael Jackson. I mean everyone that I talked to, there are people who listened to this who are experts. It's him.

TMZ Staff Member (another lawyer) = but if Sony was to defraud the public it would be a bad thing for them.

Harvey = but it's him.

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