Angelas POV:

my heart started beating faster..

Angela: “Thank you Justin.. you look nice too.” I smiled.

He sighed and smiled back..

Justin: “You ready?”
Angela: “Yeah, lets go.”

he walked me to his Range Rover and opened the door for me like a gentleman. :')
I smiled and sat in.. he closed the door for me and walked around to the other side.
Gosh, I feel ecstatic. I just wanna scream and jump all over the place because im that happy... but I dont want him thinking im a maniac.. so I wont. Haha
He sat in and glanced at me.. he flashed the cutest smile and flicked his hair.

Angela: “So where are we going?”
Justin: “Its a suprise.”
Angela: “Aw comon.” I nudged him.
Justin: “You'll just have to wait and see..” he winked.

He started the engine and we drove off.
We talked about ourselves and cracked up some jokes throughout the journey. He seems so amazing, i love his personality..
Suddenly Justins phone rang..

Justins POV:

Ahh, my phones ringing.. it was Ryan.
I stopped at the nearest curve and answered the call.

Justin: “Whats up?” I said with my eyebrows furrowed.
Ryan: “Erm.. theres a slight problem.”

My heart sank.

Justin: “What happened?”
Ryan: “Apparently the waiter had a bad tuna casserole for lunch today and he became sick.. so he cant serve you guys tonight.”

I tried to control my frustration and smiled innocently at Angela.

Justin: “Let me just take this outside..” i said lightly.
Angela: “Okay.” she said, looking confused.

I got out, shut the door and walked a couple of meters away from the car.

Justin: “WHAT?!” I yelled.
Ryan: “Sorry man.. I wish I could help.”
Justin: “Ha ha.” I said sarcastically. “WELL YOU BETTER HELP!” I snapped.
Ryan: “Calm down man.. what do you want me to do?”
Justin: “I dunno think of something.. AND DONT MESS THIS UP FOR ME.” I warned him.

Ryan hesitated.

Justin: “Aw comon man.. atleast TRY and fix it for your man..”
Ryan: “Alright, alright.. I'll see you later.”

he hung up.

I walked back to the car half worried, half excited. I opened the door and sat in.

Justin: “Sorry about that..” I started the engine
Angela: “Its okay.”

5 minutes later, we finally arrived at the beach. I opened the door for Angela, took her hand and she stepped out. She looked around the place..

Angelas POV:

The place looked absolutely beautiful.. we walked further. After a while his hand touched mine by accident and we ended up holding hands. I just couldnt stop smiling..
this is where we got to - http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://www.onlyexclusivetravel.com/AdminImages/gallery/23/table_on_the_beach_v2.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.onlyexclusivetravel.com/2428/836/objects/resorts/fregate-island-private.html&usg=__zFFga2gUBvT4pE0XxhRMUKEan_I=&h=420&w=620&sz=57&hl=en&start=0&sig2=xqKOmGTN1FbCIMxBgYPpBQ&zoom=1&tbnid=7nXC23zm_QusQM:&tbnh=147&tbnw=206&ei=6n_ETNPUF9Cj4Qa50v25Aw&prev;=/images?q=dinner+at+the+beach&um=1&hl=en&biw=1366&bih=575&tbs=isch:1&um=1&itbs=1&iact=rc&dur=470&oei=6n_ETNPUF9Cj4Qa50v25Aw&esq=1&page=1&ndsp=18&ved=1t:429,r:3,s:0&tx=83&ty=104

Angela: “Wow.. this is so beautiful.”

I could hear the waves crashing against the shore..

Justin: “I know you are.” he said, looking into my eyes. I blushed and he chuckled.

He pulled my seat out for me and gestured for me to sit down. Then he sat in his own seat and held my hand over the table. The moment was amazing..

Angela: “You did this for me?”
Justin: “Ofcourse.. do you like it?”
Angela: “I love it.. thanks Justin. This is so sweet..”
Justin: “Awesome. I wanted the best for you.” he smiled.

I smiled back. Suddenly, I saw a boy wearing a waiters suit behind Justin – from afar. I squinted to see who it was.

Justin saw the look on my face and glanced behind him.

Angela: “Is that.. Ryan?” I said, sounding amused.

Ryan walked closer to us.

Justin: “Err..-”
Ryan: “-Hey Angela.. im your waiter for tonight...”

Part 6 will be up tomorrow (:

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