@adamlambert @negativeneil Here is my husband's awesome letter:

Dear Sirs,

I wish to express my outrage at the homophobic comment made by one of your Daily 10 announcers, Mr. Mike Catherwood. He made a remark regarding the recent incident involving Mr. Adam Lambert’s undoubtedly provoked scuffle with a paparazzo, implying that Mr. Lambert would enjoy any possible jail time because of his sexual orientation. To use an unfortunate incident as an excuse to make light of possible sexual assault while being incarcerated is inexcusable. He should be asked to make a formal apology on the air to Mr. Lambert and to the GLBT community at large.

It appears to me that the media makes the mistake of assuming that the most vocal supporters of the GLBT community are gay people and the women who love them. Don’t get me wrong; the GLBT community is a powerful force in society both economically and politically and the many heterosexual women who are staunch supporters of the community can and have moved mountains for their friends that they love. But I come to you representing the heterosexual men who are tired of being further stereotyped as homophobic, unsympathetic or even closeted because of hateful, sneering comments like the one made by Mr. Catherwood. I am a physician, husband of one of those powerful heterosexual women who love their gay community, and father of three sons of all three sexual orientations. I have many male friends of all sexual orientations who are tired of being represented by the likes of Mr. Catherwood. Of course, I don’t know Mr. Catherwood’s sexual orientation, and I’m assuming he’s heterosexual. If he is not, then this is another example of the gay community eating its own, which is another letter altogether.

Thank you for your response to my concerns. If the E organization is not able to reign in comments like this, I will have no choice than to make further inquiries about allowing this type of commentary to the FCC and other regulatory agencies.


Mark Richey MD

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