@adamlambert @monterrific @longineu @lisaharriton @tommyjoeratliff

Oprah today.. so excited!!


"He is a role model. He is a modern day hero in an unconventional way. He makes being the geek, being the shy non-sports-jock cool. He stands for all of the choir and band and drama club geeks who were mocked all throughout their high school days.

He is also a huge poster child for the Ugly Duckling who is fat and a bit awkward, unsure of himself who grows up to be completely fabulous and a true gentleman and friend. Sometimes I think you have to go thru this kind of pain to become as great as he is.

He stands when standing is hard. Remarkable. And that is just his character I haven’t even talked about his talent yet"

Meredith Rosser

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Jan 19/10

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