Hey guys. Some of you have been asking who all is following me, tweeted me, RTed my tweets ect. Well heres a few of them(:

Twitter made on: 4.13.10.

@JasmineVillegas tweeeted 20+ times.
RTed 5+ times.
DMed 2 times.
Listed me.
Called me & my friend gorgeous.

@JdrewMusic has tweeted 30+ Times.
RTed 25+ times.
He's really cool
& hes like my big brother (:

@BlakeHightower tweeted 35+ times.
RTed 15+ times.
DMed 3 times.
Favorited a few tweets.
I also talk to him a lot.
Hes also like a bestfriend/brother to me (:
I talked to him on the radio too one day.
He's my sarcasm buddy (:

@Marisolesparza tweeted once.(:

@Missjacquerae tweeted 20+ times.
Commented on a few pictures.
RTed 5+ times.
Shes really awesome.
I talk to her a lot on formspring.
Shes like a sister(:

@GodsGirl8494 RTed once.

@RealMandyRain tweeted twice.
DMed once.
I talk to her a lot on ustream & formspring.
Shes super awesome(:

@AlexandraAmor DMed once(:

@MathiasAnderle tweeted 5 times.
I talked to him last year (2009).
The day that the School Gyrls Movie came out.
It was on his Say Now phone thingy (:

@PleasureEllis tweeted twice
DMed twice.

@Shawncampbell11 tweeted twice.

@WyattStarkman tweeted a few times.
RTed like twice.

@AlfredoFlores tweeted twice(:
RTed twice.
Hes pretty awesome(:

@ChelceeMusic tweeted 20+ times.
DMed 4 times.

@wewantrampage DMed once.
RTed twice.

@youngdizzy1 tweeted twice(:

I know that more people have tweeted me , but these are just a few(: I'm NOT NOT NOT bragging. I'm simply stating. Some of these tweets are in my "favorites" then again some are not. Blake, JDrew, Jacque, Mandy, Jasmine, & Alfredo are all like family to me so I dont favorite every tweet that they tweet me.(: ______________________________________________________

These are just some people that are following me.

@JustinBieber 4.13.10
@TheCodySimpson 4.13.10.
@JasmineVillegas 4.21.10.

I dont tweet people in hope that they reply to me & just bump my number of followers up. Treat people with respect. Just because they may be famous, dont be fake and make stuff up just so they'll "notice" you. I dont favorite every tweet of theirs to me. Treat them like normal people, and I promise, they'll respect you more(:

When I make this, Im NOT bragging. Just so many people ask me, so I thought, Why not just put it all in a twitlonger? So here it is!

I dont like fake people nor spammers. I have never ever ever ever EVER spammed one of those people that I listed up there. NEVER. Spamming is not cool. And it could get you blocked! #Dontspam!

-Samantha (The Owner)
-Veda (Co-Owner)
-Sierra (Co-Owner)

God Bless! ♥

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